Spring is the time to be honoring our precious mothers...and our dear ol' dads! With the snappy decorative brads and a great selection of washi tape from Eyelet Outlet,
you'll have something whipped up in no time!
Here, I added a Cupcake Brad and wooden spoon from the Baking Brads set. (This set comes with muffin tins AND wooden spoons!)
Our Hanger Brads are a fan favorite.
I prefer the metal looking ones..but we also have a Wooden Hanger brad set.
Use your favorite washi tape...to create the tie!
Wow...what a great duo.
What fun ideas do you have for Mother's or Father's day this year?
We'd love to hear about them!
Remember, come check us out on VOLUME:

4:30 pm on Sturday 5/9/2020
This is a LIVE event...since the Great Lakes Mega Meet has been postponed.
Come, join in...and get 20% off your order with the code: 20megameet!
Dawn Mercedes, of Sunnyside Up
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